
OGMRipVideoCodec — Base class for video codecs


#include <ogmrip-video-codec.h>

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_analyze          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint nframes);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_autocrop         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint nframes);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_autoscale        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_autobitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint64 nonvideo_size,
                                                         guint64 overhead_size,
                                                         guint64 total_size);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_4mv          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_4mv          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean v4mv);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_angle        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_angle        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint angle);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_get_aspect_ratio (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *num,
                                                         guint *denom);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_aspect_ratio (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint num,
                                                         guint denom);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_bitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_bitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint bitrate);
gdouble             ogmrip_video_codec_get_bits_per_pixel
                                                        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_bits_per_pixel
                                                        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gdouble bpp);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_cartoon      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_cartoon      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean cartoon);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_crop_size    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *x,
                                                         guint *y,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_crop_size    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint x,
                                                         guint y,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_deblock      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_deblock      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean deblock);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_deinterlacer (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_deinterlacer (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipDeintType deint);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_denoise      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_denoise      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean denoise);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_dering       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_dering       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean dering);
OGMDvdAudioStream*  ogmrip_video_codec_get_ensure_sync  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_ensure_sync  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMDvdAudioStream *stream);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_grayscale    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_grayscale    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean grayscale);
OGMDvdSubpStream*   ogmrip_video_codec_get_hard_subp    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean *forced);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_hard_subp    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMDvdSubpStream *stream,
                                                         gboolean forced);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_b_frames (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_b_frames (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint max_b_frames);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height,
                                                         gboolean *expand);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height,
                                                         gboolean expand);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_passes       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_passes       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint pass);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_qpel         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_qpel         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean qpel);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_quality      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_quality      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipQualityType quality);
gdouble             ogmrip_video_codec_get_quantizer    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_quantizer    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gdouble quantizer);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_get_raw_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_scale_size   (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_scale_size   (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_scaler       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_scaler       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipScalerType scaler);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_threads      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_threads      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint threads);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_trellis      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_trellis      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean trellis);
gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_turbo        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);
void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_turbo        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean turbo);
gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_start_delay  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Object Hierarchy



  "angle"                    guint                 : Read / Write
  "bframes"                  guint                 : Read / Write
  "bitrate"                  guint                 : Read / Write
  "bpp"                      gdouble               : Read / Write
  "cartoon"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "deblock"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "denoise"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "dering"                   gboolean              : Read / Write
  "grayscale"                gboolean              : Read / Write
  "passes"                   guint                 : Read / Write
  "qpel"                     gboolean              : Read / Write
  "quantizer"                gdouble               : Read / Write
  "threads"                  guint                 : Read / Write
  "trellis"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "turbo"                    gboolean              : Read / Write
  "v4mv"                     gboolean              : Read / Write




typedef struct _OGMRipVideoCodec OGMRipVideoCodec;


typedef struct {
  OGMRipCodecClass parent_class;

  /* signals */
  void (* pass) (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                 guint       pass);
  /* vtable */
  gint (* get_start_delay) (OGMRipVideoCodec  *video);
  void (* set_quality)     (OGMRipVideoCodec  *video,
                            OGMRipQualityType quality);
} OGMRipVideoCodecClass;

ogmrip_video_codec_analyze ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_analyze          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint nframes);

Analyze the video stream to detect if the video is progressive, interlaced and/or telecine.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

nframes :

the number of frames

Returns :

FALSE, on error or cancel

ogmrip_video_codec_autocrop ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_autocrop         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint nframes);

Autodetects the cropping parameters.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

nframes :

the number of frames

Returns :

FALSE, on error or cancel

ogmrip_video_codec_autoscale ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_autoscale        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Autodetects the scaling parameters.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

ogmrip_video_codec_autobitrate ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_autobitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint64 nonvideo_size,
                                                         guint64 overhead_size,
                                                         guint64 total_size);

Autodetects the video bitrate.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

nonvideo_size :

the size of the non video streams

overhead_size :

the size of the overhead

total_size :

the total targetted size

ogmrip_video_codec_get_4mv ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_4mv          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether 4 motion vectors per macroblock are allowed.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if 4 motion vectors per macroblock are allowed

ogmrip_video_codec_set_4mv ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_4mv          (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean v4mv);

Sets whether to allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

v4mv :

TRUE to allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock

ogmrip_video_codec_get_angle ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_angle        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the current angle.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the angle, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_angle ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_angle        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint angle);

Sets the angle to encode.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

angle :

the angle

ogmrip_video_codec_get_aspect_ratio ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_get_aspect_ratio (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *num,
                                                         guint *denom);

Gets the aspect ratio of the movie.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

num :

a pointer to store the numerator of the aspect ratio

denom :

a pointer to store the denominator of the aspect ratio

ogmrip_video_codec_set_aspect_ratio ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_aspect_ratio (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint num,
                                                         guint denom);

Sets the aspect ratio of the movie.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

num :

the numerator of the aspect ratio

denom :

the denominator of the aspect ratio

ogmrip_video_codec_get_bitrate ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_bitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the video bitrate in bits/second.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the video bitrate, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_bitrate ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_bitrate      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint bitrate);

Sets the video bitrate to be used in bits/second, 4000 being the lowest and 24000000 the highest available bitrates.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

bitrate :

the video bitrate

ogmrip_video_codec_get_bits_per_pixel ()

gdouble             ogmrip_video_codec_get_bits_per_pixel
                                                        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the number of bits per pixel.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the number of bits per pixel, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_bits_per_pixel ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_bits_per_pixel
                                                        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gdouble bpp);

Sets the number of bits per pixel to be used.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

bpp :

the number of bits per pixel

ogmrip_video_codec_get_cartoon ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_cartoon      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether the movie is a cartoon.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if movie is a cartoon

ogmrip_video_codec_set_cartoon ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_cartoon      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean cartoon);

Sets whether the movie is a cartoon.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

cartoon :

TRUE if movie is a cartoon

ogmrip_video_codec_get_crop_size ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_crop_size    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *x,
                                                         guint *y,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);

Gets whether the video will be cropped and the crop size.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

x :

a pointer to store the cropped x position

y :

a pointer to store the cropped y position

width :

a pointer to store the cropped width

height :

a pointer to store the cropped height

Returns :

TRUE if the video will be cropped

ogmrip_video_codec_set_crop_size ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_crop_size    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint x,
                                                         guint y,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height);

Sets the crop size of the movie.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

x :

the cropped x position

y :

the cropped y position

width :

the cropped width

height :

the cropped height

ogmrip_video_codec_get_deblock ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_deblock      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether a deblocking filter will be applied.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if a deblocking filter will be applied

ogmrip_video_codec_set_deblock ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_deblock      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean deblock);

Sets whether to apply a deblocking filter.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

deblock :

TRUE to apply a deblocking filter

ogmrip_video_codec_get_deinterlacer ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_deinterlacer (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the currnet deinterlacer.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the deinterlacer, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_deinterlacer ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_deinterlacer (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipDeintType deint);

Sets the deinterlacer to be used.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

deint :

an OGMRipDeintType

ogmrip_video_codec_get_denoise ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_denoise      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether to reduce image noise.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE to reduce image noise

ogmrip_video_codec_set_denoise ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_denoise      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean denoise);

Sets whether to reduce image noise.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

denoise :

TRUE to reduce image noise

ogmrip_video_codec_get_dering ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_dering       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether a deringing filter will be applied.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if a deringing filter will be applied

ogmrip_video_codec_set_dering ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_dering       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean dering);

Sets whether to apply a deringing filter.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

dering :

TRUE to apply a deringing filter

ogmrip_video_codec_get_ensure_sync ()

OGMDvdAudioStream*  ogmrip_video_codec_get_ensure_sync  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the audio stream that will be encoded along with the video to ensure the A/V synchronization.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the OGMDvdAudioStream, or NULL

ogmrip_video_codec_set_ensure_sync ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_ensure_sync  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMDvdAudioStream *stream);

Sets the audio stream that will be encoded along with the video to ensure the A/V synchronization.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

stream :

an OGMDvdAudioStream

ogmrip_video_codec_get_grayscale ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_grayscale    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether the movie is grayscale.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if movie is grayscale

ogmrip_video_codec_set_grayscale ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_grayscale    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean grayscale);

Sets whether the movie is grayscale.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

grayscale :

TRUE if movie is grayscale

ogmrip_video_codec_get_hard_subp ()

OGMDvdSubpStream*   ogmrip_video_codec_get_hard_subp    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean *forced);

Gets the subp stream that will be hardcoded in the video.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

forced :

location to store whether to hardcode forced subs only

Returns :

the OGMDvdSubpStream, or NULL

ogmrip_video_codec_set_hard_subp ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_hard_subp    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMDvdSubpStream *stream,
                                                         gboolean forced);

Sets the subp stream that will be hardcoded in the video.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

stream :

an OGMDvdSubpStream

forced :

whether to hardcode forced subs only

ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_b_frames ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_b_frames (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the maximum number of B-frames to put between I/P-frames.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the maximum number of B-frames, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_b_frames ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_b_frames (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint max_b_frames);

Sets the maximum number of B-frames to put between I/P-frames.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

max_b_frames :

the maximum number of B-frames

ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_size ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_max_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height,
                                                         gboolean *expand);

Gets wether the video has a maximum size and the maximum size.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

width :

a pointer to store the maximum width

height :

a pointer to store the maximum height

expand :

whether the video must be expanded

Returns :

TRUE if the video has a maximum size

ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_size ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_max_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height,
                                                         gboolean expand);

Sets the maximum size of the movie.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

width :

the maximum width

height :

the maximum height

expand :

wheter to expand the video

ogmrip_video_codec_get_passes ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_passes       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the number of passes.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the pass number, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_passes ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_passes       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint pass);

Sets the number of passes.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

pass :

the pass number

ogmrip_video_codec_get_qpel ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_qpel         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Sets whether quarter pel motion compensation is used.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if quarter pel motion compensation is used

ogmrip_video_codec_set_qpel ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_qpel         (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean qpel);

Sets whether to use quarter pel motion compensation.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

qpel :

TRUE to use quarter pel motion compensation

ogmrip_video_codec_get_quality ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_quality      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the quality of the encoding.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the OGMRipQualityType, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_quality ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_quality      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipQualityType quality);

Sets the quality of the encoding.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

quality :

the OGMRipQualityType

ogmrip_video_codec_get_quantizer ()

gdouble             ogmrip_video_codec_get_quantizer    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the video quantizer.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the video quantizer, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_quantizer ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_quantizer    (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gdouble quantizer);

Sets the video quantizer to be used, 1 being the lowest and 31 the highest available quantizers.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

quantizer :

the video quantizer

ogmrip_video_codec_get_raw_size ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_get_raw_size     (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);

Gets the raw size of the video.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

width :

a pointer to store the width

height :

a pointer to store the height

ogmrip_video_codec_get_scale_size ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_scale_size   (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint *width,
                                                         guint *height);

Gets whether the video will be scaled and the scale size.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

width :

a pointer to store the scaled width

height :

a pointer to store the scaled height

Returns :

TRUE if the video will be scaled

ogmrip_video_codec_set_scale_size ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_scale_size   (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint width,
                                                         guint height);

Sets the scaled size of the movie.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

width :

the scaled width

height :

the scaled height

ogmrip_video_codec_get_scaler ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_scaler       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the current software scaler.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the software scaler, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_scaler ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_scaler       (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         OGMRipScalerType scaler);

Sets the software scaler to be used.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

scaler :

an OGMRipScalerType

ogmrip_video_codec_get_threads ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_threads      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the number of threads.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the number of threads, or -1

ogmrip_video_codec_set_threads ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_threads      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         guint threads);

Sets the number of threads to be used.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

threads :

the number of threads

ogmrip_video_codec_get_trellis ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_trellis      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether trellis quantization is enabled.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if trellis quantization is enabled

ogmrip_video_codec_set_trellis ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_trellis      (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean trellis);

Sets whether trellis quantization will be enabled.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

trellis :

TRUE to enable trellis quantization

ogmrip_video_codec_get_turbo ()

gboolean            ogmrip_video_codec_get_turbo        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets whether turbo is enabled.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

TRUE if turbo is enabled

ogmrip_video_codec_set_turbo ()

void                ogmrip_video_codec_set_turbo        (OGMRipVideoCodec *video,
                                                         gboolean turbo);

Sets whether to enable turbo.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

turbo :

TRUE to enable turbo

ogmrip_video_codec_get_start_delay ()

gint                ogmrip_video_codec_get_start_delay  (OGMRipVideoCodec *video);

Gets the start delay that must be applied to audio streams when merging.

video :

an OGMRipVideoCodec

Returns :

the start delay, or -1

Property Details

The "angle" property

  "angle"                    guint                 : Read / Write

Set angle.

Allowed values: >= 1

Default value: 1

The "bframes" property

  "bframes"                  guint                 : Read / Write

Set b-frames.

Allowed values: <= 4

Default value: 2

The "bitrate" property

  "bitrate"                  guint                 : Read / Write

Set bitrate.

Allowed values: [4000,24000000]

Default value: 800000

The "bpp" property

  "bpp"                      gdouble               : Read / Write

Set bits per pixel.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0.25

The "cartoon" property

  "cartoon"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

Set cartoon.

Default value: FALSE

The "deblock" property

  "deblock"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

Set deblock.

Default value: TRUE

The "denoise" property

  "denoise"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

Set denoise.

Default value: FALSE

The "dering" property

  "dering"                   gboolean              : Read / Write

Set dering.

Default value: TRUE

The "grayscale" property

  "grayscale"                gboolean              : Read / Write

Set grayscale.

Default value: FALSE

The "passes" property

  "passes"                   guint                 : Read / Write

Set the number of passes.

Allowed values: >= 1

Default value: 1

The "qpel" property

  "qpel"                     gboolean              : Read / Write

Set quarter pel motion compensation.

Default value: FALSE

The "quantizer" property

  "quantizer"                gdouble               : Read / Write

Set quantizer.

Allowed values: [-1,31]

Default value: -1

The "threads" property

  "threads"                  guint                 : Read / Write

Set the number of threads.

Default value: 0

The "trellis" property

  "trellis"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

Set trellis.

Default value: TRUE

The "turbo" property

  "turbo"                    gboolean              : Read / Write

Set turbo.

Default value: FALSE

The "v4mv" property

  "v4mv"                     gboolean              : Read / Write

Set 4 motion vectors per macroblock.

Default value: TRUE