
OGMRipCodec — Base class for codecs


#include <ogmrip-codec.h>

void                ogmrip_codec_set_options            (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *section);
gchar*              ogmrip_codec_get_output             (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_output             (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *output);
OGMDvdTitle*        ogmrip_codec_get_input              (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_input              (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMDvdTitle *title);
gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_length             (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMDvdTime *length);
gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_telecine           (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_telecine           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean telecine);
gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_progressive        (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_progressive        (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean progressive);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_edl                (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMRipEdl *edl);
OGMRipEdl*          ogmrip_codec_get_edl                (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_chapters           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint start,
                                                         gint end);
void                ogmrip_codec_get_chapters           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint *start,
                                                         guint *end);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_framerate          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint numerator,
                                                         guint denominator);
void                ogmrip_codec_get_framerate          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint *numerator,
                                                         guint *denominator);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_framestep          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint framestep);
gint                ogmrip_codec_get_framestep          (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_play_length        (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gdouble length);
gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_play_length        (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_start              (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gdouble start);
gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_start              (OGMRipCodec *codec);
void                ogmrip_codec_set_unlink_on_unref    (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean do_unlink);
gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_unlink_on_unref    (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Object Hierarchy



  "end-chapter"              gint                  : Read / Write
  "framestep"                guint                 : Read / Write
  "input"                    gpointer              : Read / Write
  "length"                   gdouble               : Read
  "output"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "progressive"              gboolean              : Read / Write
  "start-chapter"            gint                  : Read / Write
  "telecine"                 gboolean              : Read / Write




typedef struct _OGMRipCodec OGMRipCodec;


typedef struct {
  OGMJobBinClass parent_class;

  /* vtable */
  void (* set_options) (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                        const gchar *section);
} OGMRipCodecClass;

ogmrip_codec_set_options ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_options            (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *section);

Sets codec specific options from the specified profile.

codec :

An OGMRipCodec

section :

A profile

ogmrip_codec_get_output ()

gchar*              ogmrip_codec_get_output             (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the name of the output file.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

the filename, or NULL

ogmrip_codec_set_output ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_output             (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *output);

Sets the name of the output file.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

output :

the name of the output file

ogmrip_codec_get_input ()

OGMDvdTitle*        ogmrip_codec_get_input              (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the input DVD title.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

an OGMDvdTitle, or NULL

ogmrip_codec_set_input ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_input              (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMDvdTitle *title);

Sets the input DVD title.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

title :

an OGMDvdTitle

ogmrip_codec_get_length ()

gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_length             (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMDvdTime *length);

Returns the length of the encoding in seconds. If length is not NULL, the data structure will be filled with the length in hours, minutes seconds and frames.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

length :

a pointer to store an OGMDvdTime, or NULL

Returns :

the length in seconds, or -1.0

ogmrip_codec_get_telecine ()

gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_telecine           (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets whether an inverse telecine filter will be applied

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

TRUE if inverse telecine

ogmrip_codec_set_telecine ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_telecine           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean telecine);

Sets whether an inverse telecine filter will be applied

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

telecine :

TRUE to inverse telecine

ogmrip_codec_get_progressive ()

gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_progressive        (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets whether an inverse progressive filter will be applied

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

TRUE if inverse progressive

ogmrip_codec_set_progressive ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_progressive        (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean progressive);

Sets whether an inverse progressive filter will be applied

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

progressive :

TRUE to inverse progressive

ogmrip_codec_set_edl ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_edl                (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         OGMRipEdl *edl);

Sets an edit decision list file.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

edl :

an OGMRipEdl

ogmrip_codec_get_edl ()

OGMRipEdl*          ogmrip_codec_get_edl                (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the edit decision list if any.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

an OGMRipEdl, or NULL

ogmrip_codec_set_chapters ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_chapters           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint start,
                                                         gint end);

Sets which chapters to start and end at.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

start :

the start chapter

end :

the end chapter

ogmrip_codec_get_chapters ()

void                ogmrip_codec_get_chapters           (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint *start,
                                                         guint *end);

Gets which chapters to start and end at.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

start :

a pointer to set the start chapter

end :

a pointer to set the end chapter

ogmrip_codec_set_framerate ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_framerate          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint numerator,
                                                         guint denominator);

Sets a frames per second (fps) value for the output file, which can be different from that of the source material.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

numerator :

the framerate numerator

denominator :

the framerate denominator

ogmrip_codec_get_framerate ()

void                ogmrip_codec_get_framerate          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint *numerator,
                                                         guint *denominator);

Gets the framerate of the output file in the form of a fraction.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

numerator :

a pointer to store the framerate numerator

denominator :

a pointer to store the framerate denominator

ogmrip_codec_set_framestep ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_framestep          (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         guint framestep);

Skips framestep frames after every frame.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

framestep :

the framestep

ogmrip_codec_get_framestep ()

gint                ogmrip_codec_get_framestep          (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the number of frames to skip after every frame.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

the framestep, or -1

ogmrip_codec_set_play_length ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_play_length        (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gdouble length);

Encodes only length seconds.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

length :

the length to encode in seconds

ogmrip_codec_get_play_length ()

gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_play_length        (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the length to encode in seconds.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

the length, or -1.0

ogmrip_codec_set_start ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_start              (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gdouble start);

Seeks to the given time position.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

start :

the position to seek in seconds

ogmrip_codec_get_start ()

gdouble             ogmrip_codec_get_start              (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Gets the position to seek in seconds.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

the position, or -1.0

ogmrip_codec_set_unlink_on_unref ()

void                ogmrip_codec_set_unlink_on_unref    (OGMRipCodec *codec,
                                                         gboolean do_unlink);

Whether to unlink the output file on the final unref of the OGMRipCodec data structure.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

do_unlink :

TRUE to unlink the output file

ogmrip_codec_get_unlink_on_unref ()

gboolean            ogmrip_codec_get_unlink_on_unref    (OGMRipCodec *codec);

Returns whether the output file will be unlinked on the final unref of codec.

codec :

an OGMRipCodec

Returns :

a boolean

Property Details

The "end-chapter" property

  "end-chapter"              gint                  : Read / Write

Set end chapter.

Allowed values: >= -1

Default value: -1

The "framestep" property

  "framestep"                guint                 : Read / Write

Set framestep.

Default value: 1

The "input" property

  "input"                    gpointer              : Read / Write

Set input title.

The "length" property

  "length"                   gdouble               : Read

Get length.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "output" property

  "output"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Set output file.

Default value: NULL

The "progressive" property

  "progressive"              gboolean              : Read / Write

Set progressive.

Default value: FALSE

The "start-chapter" property

  "start-chapter"            gint                  : Read / Write

Set start chapter.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "telecine" property

  "telecine"                 gboolean              : Read / Write

Set telecine.

Default value: FALSE