
Helper — A list of helper functions


#include <ogmrip-source-chooser.h>

#define             GTK_BOX_CHILD                       (b)
gchar*              g_get_locale                        (gint category);
gulong              g_signal_connect_data_while_alive   (gpointer instance,
                                                         const gchar *detailed_signal,
                                                         GCallback c_handler,
                                                         gpointer alive,
                                                         GClosureNotify destroy_data,
                                                         GConnectFlags connect_flags);
#define             g_signal_connect_while_alive        (instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, alive)
#define             g_signal_connect_swapped_while_alive(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, alive)
void                gtk_window_set_parent               (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);
void                gtk_window_set_icon_from_stock      (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         const gchar *stock_id);
void                gtk_dialog_response_accept          (GtkDialog *dialog);
void                gtk_dialog_set_response_visible     (GtkDialog *dialog,
                                                         gint response_id,
                                                         gboolean setting);
GtkWidget*          gtk_button_new_with_image           (const gchar *text,
                                                         const gchar *stock_id);
gint                gtk_radio_button_get_active         (GtkRadioButton *radio);
void                gtk_radio_button_set_active         (GtkRadioButton *radio,
                                                         guint index);
gboolean            gtk_tree_model_iter_prev            (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);
void                gtk_label_set_int                   (GtkLabel *label,
                                                         gint value);
gint                gtk_label_get_int                   (GtkLabel *label);
GtkWidget*          gtk_box_get_nth_child               (GtkBox *box,
                                                         gint n);
const gchar*        ogmrip_get_system_profiles_dir      (void);
const gchar*        ogmrip_get_user_profiles_dir        (void);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_containers_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_containers     (GtkComboBox *combo);
GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_container
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_container
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *container);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_video_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_video_codecs   (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);
GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_video_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_video_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_audio_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_audio_codecs   (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);
GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_audio_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_audio_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_subp_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_subp_codecs    (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);
GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_subp_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_subp_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);
void                ogmrip_combo_box_languages_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *default_text);
GtkWidget*          ogmrip_message_dialog_new           (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkMessageType type,
                                                         const gchar *format,
gint                ogmrip_message_dialog               (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkMessageType type,
                                                         const gchar *format,
GtkWidget*          ogmrip_load_dvd_dialog_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         OGMDvdDisc *disc,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         gboolean cancellable);




#define GTK_BOX_CHILD(b) ((GtkBoxChild *) (b))

b :

g_get_locale ()

gchar*              g_get_locale                        (gint category);

Returns the active source and its type.

category :

A pointer to store the type of the chooser

Returns :

The active OGMRipSource

g_signal_connect_data_while_alive ()

gulong              g_signal_connect_data_while_alive   (gpointer instance,
                                                         const gchar *detailed_signal,
                                                         GCallback c_handler,
                                                         gpointer alive,
                                                         GClosureNotify destroy_data,
                                                         GConnectFlags connect_flags);

Connects a GCallback function to a signal for a particular object automatically disconnecting it when alive is destroyed.

instance :

the instance to connect to

detailed_signal :

a string of the form "signal-name::detail"

c_handler :

the GCallback to connect

alive :

the instance to check for

destroy_data :

a GClosureNotify for data

connect_flags :

a combination of GConnectFlags

Returns :

the handler id


#define             g_signal_connect_while_alive(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, alive)

Connects a GCallback function to a signal for a particular object automatically disconnecting it when alive is destroyed.

instance :

the instance to connect to

detailed_signal :

a string of the form "signal-name::detail"

c_handler :

the GCallback to connect

alive :

the instance to check for


#define             g_signal_connect_swapped_while_alive(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, alive)

Connects a GCallback function to a signal for a particular object automatically disconnecting it when alive is destroyed.

instance :

the instance to connect to

detailed_signal :

a string of the form "signal-name::detail"

c_handler :

the GCallback to connect

alive :

the instance to check for

gtk_window_set_parent ()

void                gtk_window_set_parent               (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);

Sets a parent window for a window. This is equivalent to calling gtk_window_set_transient_for(), gtk_window_set_position(), gtk_window_set_gravity(), and gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent() on window.

window :

A GtkWindow

parent :

The parent window

gtk_window_set_icon_from_stock ()

void                gtk_window_set_icon_from_stock      (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         const gchar *stock_id);

Sets the icon of window from a stock item.

window :

A GtkWindow

stock_id :

the name of the stock item

gtk_dialog_response_accept ()

void                gtk_dialog_response_accept          (GtkDialog *dialog);

Emits the "response" signal with GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT.

dialog :

a GtkDialog

gtk_dialog_set_response_visible ()

void                gtk_dialog_set_response_visible     (GtkDialog *dialog,
                                                         gint response_id,
                                                         gboolean setting);

Sets the <literal>visible</literal> property of each widget in the dialog's action area with the given response_id. A convenient way to show/hide dialog buttons.

dialog :

a GtkDialog

response_id :

a response ID

setting :

TRUE for visible

gtk_button_new_with_image ()

GtkWidget*          gtk_button_new_with_image           (const gchar *text,
                                                         const gchar *stock_id);

Creates a new GtkButton containing the given text and the image from a stock item.

text :

The text you want the GtkLabel to hold

stock_id :

the name of the stock item

Returns :

A new GtkButton

gtk_radio_button_get_active ()

gint                gtk_radio_button_get_active         (GtkRadioButton *radio);

Returns the index of the active GtkRadioButton.

radio :

Any GtkRadioButton of the group

Returns :

An integer, or -1

gtk_radio_button_set_active ()

void                gtk_radio_button_set_active         (GtkRadioButton *radio,
                                                         guint index);

Sets the active item of the radio group.

radio :

Any GtkRadioButton of the group

index :

The index of the active item

gtk_tree_model_iter_prev ()

gboolean            gtk_tree_model_iter_prev            (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the node preceding it at the current level. If there is no previous iter, FALSE is returned and iter is set to be invalid.

tree_model :

A GtkTreeModel

iter :

The GtkTreeIter

Returns :

TRUE, if iter has been changed to the previous node

gtk_label_set_int ()

void                gtk_label_set_int                   (GtkLabel *label,
                                                         gint value);

Sets the value of a GtkLabel widget.

label :

A GtkLabel

value :

An integer

gtk_label_get_int ()

gint                gtk_label_get_int                   (GtkLabel *label);

Gets the value of the label represented as an integer.

label :

A GtkLabel

Returns :

The value of the label widget

gtk_box_get_nth_child ()

GtkWidget*          gtk_box_get_nth_child               (GtkBox *box,
                                                         gint n);

Returns the n'th item in box.

box :

A GtkBox

n :

The index of the desired child

Returns :

The nth GtkWidget, or NULL

ogmrip_get_system_profiles_dir ()

const gchar*        ogmrip_get_system_profiles_dir      (void);

Return the system directory containing profiles.

Returns :

a directory, or NULL

ogmrip_get_user_profiles_dir ()

const gchar*        ogmrip_get_user_profiles_dir        (void);

Return the user directory containing profiles.

Returns :

a directory, or NULL

ogmrip_combo_box_containers_construct ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_containers_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Configures a combo to store containers.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

ogmrip_combo_box_add_containers ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_containers     (GtkComboBox *combo);

Populates combo with all known containers.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_container ()

GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_container
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Returns the selected container.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

Returns :

a container type, or G_TYPE_NONE

ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_container ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_container
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *container);

Selects the container with the given name.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

container :

The name of the container

ogmrip_combo_box_video_codecs_construct ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_video_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Configures a combo to store video codecs.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

ogmrip_combo_box_add_video_codecs ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_video_codecs   (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);

Populates combo with all video codecs compatible with container.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

container :

A container

ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_video_codec ()

GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_video_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Returns the selected video codec.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

Returns :

a video type, or G_TYPE_NONE

ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_video_codec ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_video_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);

Selects the video codec with the given name.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

codec :

The name of the video codec

ogmrip_combo_box_audio_codecs_construct ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_audio_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Configures a combo to store audio codecs.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

ogmrip_combo_box_add_audio_codecs ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_audio_codecs   (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);

Populates combo with all audio codecs compatible with container.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

container :

A container

ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_audio_codec ()

GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_audio_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Returns the selected audio codec.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

Returns :

an audio type, or G_TYPE_NONE

ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_audio_codec ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_audio_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);

Selects the audio codec with the given name.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

codec :

The name of the audio codec

ogmrip_combo_box_subp_codecs_construct ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_subp_codecs_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Configures a combo to store subp codecs.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

ogmrip_combo_box_add_subp_codecs ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_add_subp_codecs    (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         GType container);

Populates combo with all subp codecs compatible with container.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

container :

A container

ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_subp_codec ()

GType               ogmrip_combo_box_get_active_subp_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo);

Returns the selected subp codec.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

Returns :

a subp type, or G_TYPE_NONE

ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_subp_codec ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_set_active_subp_codec
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *codec);

Selects the subp codec with the given name.

combo :

A GtkComboBox

codec :

The name of the subp codec

ogmrip_combo_box_languages_construct ()

void                ogmrip_combo_box_languages_construct
                                                        (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         const gchar *default_text);

Configures a combo to store languages.

combo :

a GtkComboBox

default_text :

the default text

ogmrip_message_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget*          ogmrip_message_dialog_new           (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkMessageType type,
                                                         const gchar *format,

Creates a new message dialog, which is a simple dialog with an icon indicating the dialog type (error, warning, etc.) and some text the user may want to see.

parent :

A GtkWindow

type :

A GtkMessageType

format :

printf()-style format string, or NULL

... :

Arguments for format

Returns :

A new GtkMessageDialog

ogmrip_message_dialog ()

gint                ogmrip_message_dialog               (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkMessageType type,
                                                         const gchar *format,

Creates and displays a new message dialog, which is a simple dialog with an icon indicating the dialog type (error, warning, etc.) and some text the user may want to see.

parent :

A GtkWindow

type :

A GtkMessageType

format :

printf()-style format string, or NULL

... :

Arguments for format

Returns :

The response ID

ogmrip_load_dvd_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget*          ogmrip_load_dvd_dialog_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         OGMDvdDisc *disc,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         gboolean cancellable);

Creates a dialog waiting for the given DVD to be inserted.

parent :

Transient parent of the dialog, or NULL

disc :

An OGMDvdDisc

name :

The name of the DVD

cancellable :

Whether the dialog is cancellable

Returns :

a newly created dialog